Early retirement health insurance expert Tracy Winters explains health insurance options for early retirees who plan to travel significantly in retirement.
How to pay for college (HYW090)
College financial planning expert Ann Garcia, CFP, shares strategies on how to maximize financial aid for college in her book “How to Pay for College.”
Mega backdoor Roth (HYW088)
I explain what the backdoor Roth + mega backdoor Roth conversion strategies are and how to execute them successfully.
How to set and rebalance your asset allocation efficiently (HYW084 – REPLAY)
How to set your target asset allocation, and then regularly and efficiently rebalance your portfolio step-by-step…all in 1 hour or less per year.
Retirement withdrawal strategies: tax-efficient portfolio drawdowns (HYW083)
Steve Parrish, Co-Director of the Center for Retirement Income at The American College of Financial Services, shares key retirement withdrawal strategies.
Taxes on stock gains: how to avoid capital gains tax on stocks (HYW081)
CFA Scott Stratton explains how capital gains taxes work. We discuss key rules and strategies you need to know to minimize capital gains taxes.
College student financial aid changes coming to the FAFSA application (HYW079)
Ann Garcia, aka The College Financial Lady, explains upcoming rules that will bring significant changes to the federal student financial aid process.
Language learning through travel immersion courses in early retirement (HYW076)
Ingrid, engineer turned early retiree & travel blogger, shares her early retirement experience pursuing language learning through travel immersion courses.
How to early retire (FIRE) if your spouse isn’t on board (HYW074)
Caroline Ceniza-Levine, a career coach now early retired, shares tips and advice (from experience) for how to convince your spouse about early retirement.
Stock option and RSU tax planning (HYW073)
Shane Mason, whose CPA firm specializes in advising entrepreneurs and tech workers, shares tips and strategies on stock option and RSU tax planning.